Enlarged pores are a common skin problem that can affect people of all ages and skin types.
Enlarged pores represent an exit wound, a discharge hole, which forms when hair follicles (the hole in the skin where hair grows) and sebaceous (sweat) glands become enlarged.
Although they may appear to be a bad thing for the skin, pores are important for regulating body temperature; hydrating the skin; eliminating toxins through the release of sweat and sebum; and, because they are lined with keratin and sebum and held in place by a network of collagen fibres, the skin is protected from bacteria and other pathogens.
Why do pores appear?
Enlarged pores form when hair follicles and sebaceous glands become enlarged and filled with dirt, oil and dead skin cells.
The most common causes of this enlargement are:
- Genetic: As the pore represents the exit orifice of the glands, its size is genetically determined. In other words, patients who are predisposed to oily skin will have larger pores.
- Hormones: Whether due to puberty or the use of synthetic hormones, some of them can stimulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and dilate the pores.
- Photo-ageing: The sun can damage the collagen structure that supports the pores and lead to pore dilation, as well as the whole ageing process in general.
- Inadequate cleansing: Not cleansing the skin properly can cause dirt and oil build-up, which can clog pores and make them look larger.
How we can treat pores
The way to treat this condition depends on its cause, but it is true that even in the most oily or aged skins we can achieve a contraction of the pores if we take the most appropriate care.
- Cleansing
- Sun protection
- Collagen stimulating treatments
- Lasers
- Microneedling
- HIFU technology
- … and some medications help to improve the appearance of pores making them, in many cases, almost unnoticeable.
In short, enlarged pores can be a nuisance, but with the right skin care routine and professional advice, you can minimise their appearance and achieve smoother, more radiant skin.
If this is a condition that bothers you, at De Felipe dermatology clinic we are here to help you. In a first appointment we will assess your case and indicate the most suitable treatments for your skin.