Nail Fungus

Fungal infections can be located anywhere on the body, be it the hands, feet or head. Nail fungus can also be found on the nails. When this happens, it is called onychomycosis. The diagnosis should always be made by a dermatologist, although a mycological culture of the fungus itself will confirm it. We explain how to eliminate fungus in London effectively.

What are fungi?

Skin fungi or mycoses are skin infections caused by parasitism by fungi. Fungi are micro-organisms that are capable of living in the human body but which, over time, can develop and become harmful to our health. Mycoses manifest themselves in the form of pain, redness, scaling or even weakening of the immune system.

Skin fungi or ringworm are pathologies that usually appear in summer, as the heat and sweat favour the proliferation of these agents that live on the skin. This multiplication of organisms makes it possible for the area where they are found to become infected. However, with a specific treatment prescribed by a professional, we can restore the skin to its natural appearance.

Nail fungus treatments London

At De Felipe Dermatology Clinic, we combine three therapies to eliminate skin fungus. It has been proven that this treatment cures more than 91% of infections per year:

Topical product

Applying a topical product to treat foot fungus cures between 9 and 21%.

Low power laser

Stimulation of the nail with the low power laser or red laser (LLLT) helps to eliminate the fungus. In addition, the Nd:YAG laser helps with the heat to kill the infectious agents for good.

Add antifungal

Adding oral antifungal cures 45-53% of foot fungus.

Fungus treatment price London

The fungus removal treatment in London a is priced at:

One-off payment


Save £200 by paying for all your sessions in one instalment..


  • Follow up consultation
  • 3x Nd:YAG Laser
  • 10x Low power laser 635 nm

Three payments of


We offer you the possibility of paying in three installments.


  • Follow up consultation
  • 3x Nd:YAG Laser
  • 10x Low power laser 635 nm

Pay per individual session

Price according to session

If you do not prefer to select a pack of treatments, you can book individual sessions.


  • Follow up consultation


  • Nd:YAG Laser


  • Low power laser 635 nm
